花街 | Flower-show Street

Fig 2a:《花街》 | East Wing of Lyndhurst Terrace (T.B.C) Then & Now, ca1870 - 2015, by Vincent Poon (Thomson's photo Source Courtesy of  Wellcome)

格蘭裔攝影師John Thomson 於1868至71居港年間的照片,玻璃底片只附註香港街道("18752 street in Hong Kong"),但有理由相信,這就是今日擺花街(Lyndhurst Terrace 麟檄士街[圖2d])東段。可以見到遠處威靈頓街、砵甸乍街口三叉交界路口。擺花街東西兩段明顯不同,清楚見到此段地面用作商舖,皆為專營綢緞洋貨疋頭的華商,架起典型的中式蔭蓬,遮擋午間日曬。東段土地業權,此時已切割成細塊,兩邊建築近乎一式一樣,大概是一梯一至兩伙,以單幢三層高排屋相互毗鄰,屋後經已是另一地段,以小巷夾縫。這格局限制著往後建築物設計,至今依稀仍隱約見到。

照愛丁堡公爵69年末訪港報道,這條短街,當年仍聚集不少家傳戶曉的巴斯或猶太商人家族。後面閣麟街以西的44至60號,名字有早期的麽地(Sir Hormusjee Naorojee Mody, 孟買巴斯族, 1838 – 1911)、庇利羅士(The Hon. Emanuel Raphael Belilios, 加爾各答猶太族, 1837 – 1905)、 Ghoolamhoosan 以及 Babibhoy(巴斯名字);而照片前面砵甸乍街口(Pottinger Street),就是律敦治先生(Mr. D. Ruttanjee [1] 孟買巴斯名字)的房子。這些古老的巴斯或猶太族人四處漂流(Diaspora),有的在英屬印度商港孟買、加爾各答落戶生根,並於十八世紀就隨英商經營廣州貿易。The China Mail 報導他們的巨型裝置時,有以下描述:
This block [western end of Lyndhurst Terrace] extends from Mr. H.N. Mody's premises to that of Messrs. D. Ghoolamhoosan's, and include the premises of Mr. E.R. Belilios, R. Babibhoy and Mr. B. Ghoolamboosan. These firms have combined in one continuous illumination, covering half the Terrace ... 
The eastern end of Lyndhurst Terrace in converted into a sort of fairy all, by means of a bamboo erection on either side of the street, upon the poles of which are strung a large number of blue and white striped lamps. At one end of the erection is a huge fish-lamp, and at the other is a very large cockatoo lamp, which give a very good finish to the general plan. On the northern and eastern sides of Mr Ruttanjee's house there are two stars of nearly 200 gas-jets each with the monogram of "A.E." on the corner; and on the Pottinger Street side, there is another row of the blue and white stripes ...


港府由開埠起,就要處理興旺的娼妓行業。本港以及殖民部的討論,環繞着外來婦孺當娼屬自願與否、奴役制度(chattel slavery)、華人傳統習俗、性病傳播。港府1857年首個相關條例,嘗試以性病傳播角度,由管理供應一方入手,發牌規管行業。後來1867年以傳染病條取締(the Contagious Diseases Ordinance, no.10 of 1867 [2]),強化登記官職能,同時取消地區限制。

兩邊排屋個別處所,的確有持牌或非法經營妓寨。而80年代的零碎中英文告記錄,見到引用相關條例(Section 23 of Ordinance no.10, 1867),查封無登記娼妓處所,有以下引例 [圖2c]:
1/F & 2/F, Street no. 16 (March 1884)
1/F & 2/F, Street no. 18 (February 1884)
1/F & 2/F, Street no. 27 (March 1884)
1/F, Street no. 27 (July 1889)
2/F, Street no. 34 (Aug 1889)

再細看照片 [圖2a],左邊的1-7號之後,中間單幢排屋應就是麟檄士街9號。1877年十月十六日,由9號這裡開始,一單例行掃盪無牌行動,引發一場卑利街42號屋頂的追逐,期間一名無牌娼妓 Funga-Sz (alias A-Sau)墮樓身亡,觸發軒然大波。新任港督軒尼詩(Sir John Pope Hennessy)質疑,究竟現行條例及政府現實操作,是否在保存華人傳統文化借口下,變相促成另一種奴役的幫兇,令窮困婦孺及低檔無牌妓女,像婦人Tai-Yau的遭遇,根本無法走出窘局。他委任Ernest Eitel等人成立委員會,並向英倫提交非常詳盡報告,檢討現行制度 [3]。十九世紀香港,隨着英國政治哲學思潮中不斷演化,後來軒尼詩跟華人社區一連串變革,包括1889年取替舊有法例,就是最早期的保護婦孺條例。至於法官Sir John Smale跟港督軒尼詩,就華人傳統社會中妹仔身份(the mui tsai)及人口販賣的觀點,可算是20世紀初,提出廢除妹仔運動的先聲。


Fig 2b:  Bird view of east wing of Lynhurst Terrace. It is the junction of Lynhurst Terrace, Wellington Street and Pottinger Street. We can spot partial of building facades of terraced 3-storey terraced house in the north side of the street. But something missed due to photo stitches. (partial of panorama, source: National Archive UK) 

Fig 2c:  English and Chinese notices issued by the Registrar General's office regarding declarations of unlicensed brothel, in pursuant to s.23 of Ordinance no.10 of 1867.

Fig 2d: A bilingual tender invitation posted in the HK Government Gazette regarding water mains work in Lyndhurst Terrace, Gage Street, and Aberdeen Street, in which the official named Lyndhurst Terrace in Chinese as "麟檄士街". 

Fig 2e: Close up of bilingual street sign of Lyndhurst Terrace 麟檄士街, 1869, Hong Kong

East Wing of Lyndhurst Terrace 2015 (vp)


[1] 1863年聖誕節澳門來回船票廣告中之D. Ruttanjee。至於此君與律敦治(Jehangir Hormusjee Ruttonjee 1880–1960)父家是否親屬,則有待考證。

[2] Ordinance no. 10 of 1869 - An Ordinance for the better Prevention of Contagious Diseases

[3] Report of the Commission appointed by the Governor of Hong Kong to inquire into the Working of the Contagious Diseases Ordinance of 1867


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